Tuesday, 28 July 2009

nice meeting NEWBIEZZZ

Nice Meeting u guys...My Newzbie!!
wowow...schock!i just know them today!my newbie in .4! i love u guys..
many foreigner this batch..ytd was my 1st day bck to taylors..in da class i dont know anyone just the oldbiess..ntg special ytd..cz no one i know n they dun even know me..^^
but today is great!! when i get in class, i met Yuki.the 1st fren i meet in .4..the new batch! after the class, when i get out from class n went to lift, 2 funny guys get in the lift with me! They are..Han BO (China) n ah Yao (Johor a.k.a my di di).hehe..then get out from lift and they follow my back n then they ask me question n ask me lunch with them..so i just accept it n went AC with them! cool!!many of them cuming n we all sit together eat n chat. then they start plan wat to do next..yaya..planing is out then ask me go sunway together with them..so ok la..
me, didi, Zhongxin (china) n Chen zhen (china) sit one taxi to sunway 1st..anther car is cuming behind!and a local fren car they drive there..so together we have got 14 people!mostly is guy..and those who are with me all is guy..omg..n this time i becum their mother..point the road for them.help them choose choose,shirt..i am the guide~~JAyz is the one used the longest time.he cant find his suitable shoes..all too small..he is a have a huge muscle!!tall n nice body!!hehehe...man enuf!we spent almost one hours in one shop just for a shoes.finally we went another shop n he get the suitable shoes n he just bought it without looking for the price!!wakakka...n it cost 3oo plus..relli heart pain looo..hhehhe..
then chen zhen bought pants n shirt n did bought sport shoes..n we then plan to go singk..we wanna join han bo them but the room is too full..too many ppl..so we get a new room.5 ppl sing! unbelieveable all new bie here are quite good in singing!not bad!!!3pm to 7pm we r singing there~~shouthing,enjoying our time!after fiished, we went back home.the taxi man allow 5 of us get in one taxi!so nice~~but his driving skill abit..err......haha...then ate in Ac but mostly is yamcha la..there i met more newbie, Andrew, Han Yang and another 2 gals!
we walk bck to take our note in photostate shop but it is close and we back home n not going to library with hanbo!cz we r abit tire..walk whole day!
really nice meeting u guys!!!muackssss

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