Here we are!!our 1st gathering!!thanks jia yi~~ talks about this 2 dayss..enjoy it much~
Jon come to our college and do a visit..we all met up n we play pool together...
me,jia yi, christine,doris,n yang was in sunway that time so couldnt join us..
after that jiayi,me n jon went to eat tong snow flake..
cz jia yi have got class party in my place so i teman jon all the time ..
we went to ac eat dinner then play pool again for 2 hours..damn boring la..but stil ok la..subang ma..vey boring..
after that we went to find jia yi n chitchat with him..he was avoid his classmate to throw him into the pool so he chat with us n sumore went to yc..hahah..
unfortune la..when he back he still kena ppl throw him into pool n whole pants is wet..haha..
party is end n so we were back home.i am so tired cz never back home n straight met them..after shwer i just slpet like a dead body..hehe..
i hv got presentation of MS..i was so blur..duno wat to do..wat to talk..watever..not tat much mood tat day alsoo...
after present i straight bck home n then calling jia yi them.we r hving gathering in sunway pyramid..
i wan to sit t car to pyramid but it is full so i took cab with yang yao..
i meet them around 4:30pm..
we had our small tea break in tony roma with d very delicious beef meat!!wow.....
we were 6 ppl..jon,lilian,jia yi,jian,christine,doeis , man yang n mii
eat time over n we went to bowling n there we met nicholas..our dai kor~~black man..hhaah..
he cum together with his gf~~sweet sweett..
in the moment..some funny things happen..really laug til my stomach burst la..
but i dun think i wan mention here..i respect him ..hahah..
me n jian r kind of crazy acting china ppl slang in chinese..damn nike shop kena warning by ppl 'here is not allow to take picture'..hahah..paisehh..
when another returnees, daniel reach,we met him n we went snooker and then movie..
we watch fighting..seriously is not nice..siennnnnnnnnnnnnnzzzzzzzz...
after movie..around 12pm..we walk along sunway pyramid..passby ppl..but MOS not tat much..we r so keh po si..walk in the sunway hotel for isit..ahaha..
then we went to station one yc n play poker..
and then we go n get our car..jon is the driver..
errrr..i feel unsafe sit inside the car..=x
cz man yang n doris all gonna slp at jiayi house i also ask jon drive me home to pick my clothes n oer night in jia yi house..^^
then we back to puchong n eat supper..
see..this is us..we r so free man..
after back n get our turn to shower..
w gv jia yi a surprise that help him do mask..hehe...womenizer~~~
all dunwan slp but actuali very tired
we saw jia yi's babies photo cute n he was so paiseh that moment..hahah..
manyang is the 1st who fall slp..
tat doris so energize..when me,jia yi n man yang slping together in bed,she took our potos..issshhh...
jon dint slp cz he hv to leave on 5:30am to air port n to pity..
at last just when jia yi wake up open the door for jon then doris straight get the place which jia yi slept..
lastly,,we 3 gals slp on the big bed n jia yi slp on smal bed n the poorest..daniel slp on floor with cold..hahah...
woke up around 11am pluss...
quite early lo..outside seem want to rain..
we just so lazy n some play piano,singing, listen to jia yi's bro play drums n visit his house..
so went we wan to out going is 1pm plus..
wow..i am driver..1st time drive car that not belongs to me..
n somemore the road that i not used to drive on..wowowo...
we went to puchong eat dim sum..nice nice..yummmyyyyy...
after that we went to neway sing k till 6:30pm
crazy..singk room damn big n we r crazy..we were in da club~~hahaha..
dancing,shouting inside n so...
cz time n transport problems then we need to back urgenly to jia yi house n get daniel's bag pack..he need to take ktm to nilai..far ooo..
after discuss with jia yi parents..everything settle..
1st we went to shashabu eat ppl waiting..we were waited for 25min b4 we get our seat..we r in starvation..b4 the soup n cup are seved,we edi pick all the food we need till the table is full..haaa...
eat eat eat..
but that daniel is keep on complain his seat not gud la..many steam go to him la..he need to help us get drinks la..haha..
n he is worry he wil mis the train..hahah..
9 plus..i drive daniel to sri petaling station.good bye my u next week perhaps..
back to jia yi house again..
jia yi parents are very nice..his mom serve us the enzyme..alright..not that bad..hhaaa..
his house look like all chine style..all in wood..just same as my house..hehe...
11 something his parents drive me, man yang n doris back to subang n jia yi stay at home n rest..^^
i had a very nice days with them!!!i love them!!i miss them much!!!
u guys alwayson my mind!!!